Couples Counseling for Neurodivergent Couples

It is increasingly common for one or both people in a relationship to experience some form of neurodivergence. Neurodivergence comes in many forms and affects how the brain processes information. This undoubtedly impacts the relationship.

You may be framing your worldview from a different lens than your partner. It is not as simple as determining who is right and who is wrong. Both your perspectives offer value and demand respect, but bringing two different ways of looking at an issue can breed conflict and disconnection.

Neurodivergent couples counseling was designed to help couples like you. It offers couples the tools they need to improve communication, increase empathy, and acquire tools to work through conflicts.

Couples who work with me will gain skills to evaluate where they are at in their relationships, what they need, and how they can work together to meet those needs. Unlike other forms of couples therapy, this does not need to be a long-term commitment. It is not about making fundamental changes to who you are. It is simply about understanding yourself and your partner better and mastering skills to improve your relationship.

There is no shame in seeking couples counseling to work through relationship challenges, especially if you and your partner are struggling to see eye to eye simply because your brains work differently.